Friday, February 18, 2005

Tip the Chip?

A while ago, Larry and I were talking about tipping. Not how much to tip, or who to tip; but the concept of tipping. Larry doesn’t like it. He believes that a restaurateur, for example, should pay their employees a sufficient wage, so that the patron shouldn’t have to supplement their income with a tip. I understand this; however, we all know that the guy who owns the restaurant will not reduce his profit to pay his employees more money; he will charge more. In the end we will be spending the same amount and be deprived of our ability to demonstrate our gratitude (thus gratuity?) for a job well done…or not.

While I usually tip 20% for services rendered, I like the idea of being able to tip less for that person with a chip on his shoulder.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hear what your saying. Restaurant owners should compensate their staff much better. Did you know the average server earns a whopping $2.62. Servers do rely on their customers to make their living, however, like Larry, many people don't understand that the money comes from the tips.
Also, I understand your point of view on tipping being the customers way of letting the server know how good/bad they are at their job.
With that, why can't they have it both ways? Earn a better wage and get a tip for a job WELL DONE. It's a difficult job and I think everyone should have to try it for a day or two. That really may change the views of many on the whole tipping issue.