Monday, February 14, 2005

Beefeater and Tonic...It's What's For Supper

Earlier this evening I was chatting with a woman from England. Just to keep things “light”, I said, “So, how’s Charles and Camilla?”. Big mistake. If things were a bit tense regarding England’s view of the United States, that question may have pushed the limeys over the edge, and it might behoove us all to seek shelter lest we suffer the wrath of an irate British populace.

I mention this because the fact is; I don’t get it. From what I can tell, the Monarch de jour, rides around in a horse drawn carriage, waves to the “little” people of her (his) Kingdom with the back of her hand, and spends the rest of her time worrying about what people may think about the propriety of various members of the Royal Family.

Who, pray tell, cares if Charles was married to a babe some years back, or that the babe left him because of his dalliances with Camilla (although that was a very weird picture, you must admit), or that Charles may or may not have been caught with his pants down (at least Camilla is of the female persuasion….I think), or that a prince wears a swastika to a halloween party, or that the afore mentioned babe took up with an Arab gazillionaire, or…..well you get the idea. The Family just doesn’t matter any more. So, keep a stiff upper lip, get over it and while your at it, have a Beefeater and Tonic on me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here, here. I too agree with you. So, while their at it, Have another on me.
Really what does it all matter. Aren't they people too. It seems to me that people are more interested in judging others than worrying about what is truely important.