Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Curse of the Libra

The curse of being a Libra is that we weigh both sides of a question to the exclusion of settling on a conclusion. I mention this because it was my intention to include more political commentary in these postings than I have. Every time a political issue piques my interest I form an immediate opinion based more on common sense than fact. Then to the detriment of that opinion, I start to seek evidence to support it. There is usually a plethora of information available on any topic one might choose to research. Unfortunately this vast array of material is as varied as are the people taking the time to write it. Anyone can find “proof” to support his personal beliefs. Alas the poor Libra wallows in a quagmire of ideas seeing a fragment of truth and prejudice in everything.

Having said that, I’m going to paint three individual topics with one broad brush; Delay’s alleged misuse of funds, Bolton’s appointment to the U.N. and the congressional approval of Supreme Court judges.

The Democrats are being obstructionists basing their rhetoric on party politics. If it weren’t for the short memory of the American public their behavior would bite them in the butt during the ’06 and ’08 elections.

Can I present “proof” that I am right?…. Yes. Can I present “proof” that I am wrong?…. Yes. Will I?... No. I am a Libra and that’s my prerogative.

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