Sunday, April 03, 2005

If Thine Eye Offends Thee Pluck It Out

This morning while most of this little town slept, Daylight Savings Time arrived. To celebrate the occasion my furnace decided it had enough of winter and quit. I was able to stay in bed until about 4:00 o'clock (DST) before the dog's shivering forced me to get up and don my winter togs. After checking to make make sure the frigid temperature wasn't in the dog's imagination, I sat bundled and glassy-eyed before the TV catching up on infomercials. There I stayed until what I deemed a reasonable hour to call Ron's Heating and invite him over to scalp me for being summoned on a Sunday.

To his credit, Ron arrived in short order and declared the glow plug to be the culprit. True to biblical teachings (Mathew 5:29 .... remember, it's Sunday), he plucked out the offending component. Unlike these teachings he replaced it with a new one. Actually the old one was still kind of new, but it evidentally felt it had glowed enough this winter.

While there is no moral to this story, there is a bottom line: 1 glow plug... $43.89, tax... 2.64, labor (15 minutes)...$28.oo, dragging his ass out on a Sunday... $50.00. Total $124.53.


Anonymous said...

Always be prepared. Get one on order now. Winter is just around the corner. (That was optimism.)
Oh... that tip will be $50, please. It's still Sunday.

cahalan said...

You got away with a working heater for $124.53, dude, you should be happy! ;)