Sunday, May 01, 2005

The Deck Vigilante

As I mentioned earlier, I’m building a small (10’ x 15’) extension on my deck. While this is a daunting project for me (most of my knowledge of wood comes from tooth picks), I am fortunate to have several friends who enjoy working with wood, and don’t seem to mind sharing their knowledge. Larry has been particularly helpful with his time and skill, but Don and Ned have been there for me too. Alas I digress.

For this small a project, I didn’t think a building permit was necessary. This proved to be incorrect. I was visited by the city’s building inspector (Mr. Fout) and educated on some of the finer points regarding the laws surrounding a structure such as mine. The truth is Mr. Fout is a very pleasant and helpful fellow. I brought him a drawing of the project the following day and was issued a building permit for $30. He told me with a project of this size that he wasn’t overly concerned about a permit, but that someone had called his office regarding my project and he was therefore obligated to act on it.

This brings me to the point of this little blurb. Who would feel compelled to report a backyard project to the city? Are there people roaming the streets who’s lives so lack meaning that they must take it upon themselves to police their fellow citizens? Have I somewhere along the way offended someone who perceived this act of “courage” as a way to “get even” for some imagined transgression on my part? May I humbly suggest that whatever their motivation, a knock on the door and a short conversation is both more courteous and effective than “dropping a dime” on some old coot whose major goal was to get some exercise.

People never cease to amaze me.

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