Well there you have it; another Halloween behind us. I usually plan for about 350 ghouls and goblins to assault my humble abode, but as always I was disappointed and nothing showed up but a bunch of street urchins and ankle biters demanding candy of me lest they mope and whine. The truth is, that about an hour into the appointed (and city approved) “trick or treat” time, the heavens opened, dampening costumes and spirits and limiting the number of knocks at the door. On the surface this may seem like a good thing, and in the grand scheme of things probably was, but the actual outcome is that I have been left with two unopened bags of treats that I will consume, contributing even more to my already over endowed girth. Actually the kids were generally polite, well mannered and most of them even wore costumes.
The day before, some of us more seasoned ghouls (there didn’t appear to be any goblins among us) took a little afternoon ride on our scoots, and ended up at Dan Olson’s house on Silver Lake. His wife is a Halloween aficionado and does their property up in a big way. We stayed for a while to enjoy her handy work and as it turned out celebrate her fiftieth birthday. I’ve included a couple of pictures for your perusal. All in all a beautiful day, an entertaining diversion and a fun ride.
Next we set our sights on November when that old boy Tom joins us for dinner. Will the fun never end?
1 comment:
Hey Murph, I think in the blogger settings there's an option that forces people who leave comments to enter some text into a box to verify a comment. Since most of the spam bloggers don't bother with that, their comments just get blocked. I have a couple friends doing that and it's virtually eliminated their blog spam. Just wanted to let you know.
Oh, and did your mother make you wear your winter coat over your costume this year? My mom always does.
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