Thursday, March 03, 2005

Got Gas?

I was talking to Larry tonight and it reminded me that it’s time to talk about gas. No; I’m referring to fuel. I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t understand the economics of oil, but I do understand the economics of getting in the car to take a drive. Today the price of regular gas is about $2.15 a gallon (yesterday I filled up for $1.99 a gallon). The talking heads tell us that these prices are due to two things: 1) $60 for a barrel of imported oil, and 2) refineries “retooling” (my word) to produce a summer blend of gas.

The gasoline industry is the only one I’m aware of that charges for a product based on anticipated shortages. If a freeze creates an orange shortage, we don’t pay higher prices for orange juice in the grocery store until the effect of the shortage becomes a reality. Not so at the pump. In my mind, this comes very close to gouging. We shouldn’t have to pay higher prices until the local distributor has to pay higher prices to fill his holding tanks.

Regarding imported crude, the only way to avoid being jerked around by foreign oil cartels is to rely on them less. This means developing alternative energy (a noble goal) and, at least in the short haul, acquiring more domestic crude. The latter would require drilling in ecologically sensitive areas; off shore and in parts of Alaska. When one weighs the risk against the gains, I believe it makes sense to tap our own natural resources responsibly. It can be done and should be done in order for us to remain competitive in the global community. As a bonus, it may even result in reducing some of the wealth currently being funneled in to terrorist organizations.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a sticky issue. Back to politics. Actually, there have been alternataives to fuel for many years. The problem is, the government won't ok anything. The automotive industry has been working of this for years. Alternatives would not only be cheaper, but, much more environmentally safe. The problem is, if we do this, ...what will happen to our economy? Or should I say, whose gonna line the pockets of the richy rich getting richer on oil. Like many other things, it's all about the money. Because our government is involved, they can do what they want. Uh oh. I can feel a bitch session starting, better go.