Ah…. January in Michigan. There’s something about a Midwestern winter that creates October birthdays. Specifically, Elli’s, Kim’s and mine. Additionally, several of Kim’s friends make the same claim to fame… Bonnie, Denise and John. So, when Michael and I visited Kim back in August, it was suggested that we get together in October to celebrate these days of infamy. A tentative time was set for the weekend of October 15th.
And so it came to pass that last weekend there was a gathering in South Haven, bringing together the “birthday people” and some of their friends and relatives for a ride through the fall landscape of South West Michigan. Michael and I thought about it a bit and decided that a winery tour with a lunch stop would be fun.
So, at 10:00 last Saturday, our little entourage set out for Coloma, our first stop. Bonnie rode behind me, Steve followed with Andrea as lookout, Kim rode her scoot alone (her saddle sacrifices a passenger for style), and Michael brought up the rear with Denise on board. Elli had to wait at home with Olivia and the sitter, and John came in for the evening’s festivities.
From South Haven, our itinerary looped us south to the Karma Vista and Contessa wineries then east to Kevin’s for lunch at the Warner winery in Paw Paw. North to Allegan, then west to New Richmond (Michael has a thing about this pastoral community….something about Huck Finn’s cousin). From there we crossed the “foot” bridge to Saugatuck where we stopped for coffee before moving on to the Fenn Valley winery. Our last leg returned us to South Haven via Blue Star Highway. Except for a few wind gusts, the weather was beautiful and everyone apparently had fun. Elapsed time, about 7 hours.
Upon returning to Michael’s, it was discovered that his oven was in the throws of a labor dispute and opted to execute a shut down. Thus ensued a period of gnashing of teeth and great emotional turmoil. Bonnie and I hauled the ribs (our dinner) over to Pearl Street to finish cooking them (Bonnie had the foresight to pre cook them). Meanwhile, Denise negotiated with the oven and convinced it to resume its duties…. alas, the meat was already done, and returning to the party. In any event, dinner was delicious and a good time was had by all. To add to the festivities, Amy and Brock and their kids arrived as did Andrea Quinn and her daughter. John from Illinois was there by that time as well.
Although I retired early, the party continued around the fire on Michaels deck well into the evening.
When all was said and done it was a terrific weekend.
A final note: as a gift from my daughters and Michael, I was given an “engine guard” for my bike….aka crash bar. Does that tell you something about what they think about my motoring abilities? (It looks great on the scooter.)
1 comment:
I don't know who this "anonymous" person is, but apparently they didn't really read your site, or they REALLY don't get it, or both!
Gotta love those northern Januarys.
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