Day 6, August 15, 2008
We left Calais, ME this morning, about 7:00 in patchy fog. When the sun was hidden, it was pretty darn chilly too. We crossed the Canadian boarder (and into the Atlantic time zone) in short order and again headed north east. The riding was pretty fast, but the roads generally good with a few exceptions. Our first stop was in Saint Johns, British Columbia. We grabbed some gas, and breakfast and were sidetracked for a few minutes waiting for the “reversing falls”. In the event you don’t know what that means, the river (who’s name escapes me for the moment) obviously flows to the sea (in this case, by way of the Bay of Fundy), but the tides are so high, that the rivers are overcome be the incoming tide and forced to flow upstream. This occurs where some rocks protrude from the surface of the water, thus causing the “white water” to trail off in a different direction…. Whew. That was some explanation for something we never saw happen. It was supposed to change at 12:45 and we got bored at 12:20 and left. (The picture of the bridge with the arched superstructure shows the rocks I’m talking about).
By the way… 2 things that may be of interest to Pete. 1) Saw a couple of guys fly fishing (I assume for Atlantic Salmon on the New River. And 2) Bill Binning, the fellow in our group knows you. Evidently he was your boss back in the day when you managed the student center (?) at Western…. If I didn’t get that quite right forgive me, but he does know you.
We continued on to Muncton and then to the bridge to Prince Edward Island. We traveled about 45 minutes across the island to North Rustin (next to Calabash; the setting for Anne of Green Gables). Checked into a motel (the St. Nicholas), had dinner, and started writing this… as usual the WiFi connection is an “on again off again” proposition. So I don’t know if this will get on the blog tonight…. I’ll try.
The plan is to stay here one more day, explore and Charlie and I will try a little bottom bouncing for cod and mackerel on a “party boat”. We hope to start west on Sunday.
By the way, the picture of Charlie by the lobster pots is were we will board the boat for the fishing. Hopefully I will be able to tell you we caught a couple of cod on tomorrows blog.
We left Calais, ME this morning, about 7:00 in patchy fog. When the sun was hidden, it was pretty darn chilly too. We crossed the Canadian boarder (and into the Atlantic time zone) in short order and again headed north east. The riding was pretty fast, but the roads generally good with a few exceptions. Our first stop was in Saint Johns, British Columbia. We grabbed some gas, and breakfast and were sidetracked for a few minutes waiting for the “reversing falls”. In the event you don’t know what that means, the river (who’s name escapes me for the moment) obviously flows to the sea (in this case, by way of the Bay of Fundy), but the tides are so high, that the rivers are overcome be the incoming tide and forced to flow upstream. This occurs where some rocks protrude from the surface of the water, thus causing the “white water” to trail off in a different direction…. Whew. That was some explanation for something we never saw happen. It was supposed to change at 12:45 and we got bored at 12:20 and left. (The picture of the bridge with the arched superstructure shows the rocks I’m talking about).
By the way… 2 things that may be of interest to Pete. 1) Saw a couple of guys fly fishing (I assume for Atlantic Salmon on the New River. And 2) Bill Binning, the fellow in our group knows you. Evidently he was your boss back in the day when you managed the student center (?) at Western…. If I didn’t get that quite right forgive me, but he does know you.
We continued on to Muncton and then to the bridge to Prince Edward Island. We traveled about 45 minutes across the island to North Rustin (next to Calabash; the setting for Anne of Green Gables). Checked into a motel (the St. Nicholas), had dinner, and started writing this… as usual the WiFi connection is an “on again off again” proposition. So I don’t know if this will get on the blog tonight…. I’ll try.
The plan is to stay here one more day, explore and Charlie and I will try a little bottom bouncing for cod and mackerel on a “party boat”. We hope to start west on Sunday.
By the way, the picture of Charlie by the lobster pots is were we will board the boat for the fishing. Hopefully I will be able to tell you we caught a couple of cod on tomorrows blog.
Can't wait to hear about the fishing. Did you get to eat your catch?
We are leaving tomorrow morning. I'll touch base when I can.
Also, I started a blog as well, but I don't know if I'll be able to keep it updated on our trip. I'm not taking my computer as I hope I'll come across one on an occassional day.
Note: My kommentaty doesn't carry quite the colorful volubility as my artculate father. :)
Talk to you soon! Love ya, Kim
Small world isn't it. Yes I know Bill from Western. He was a great guy to work for. Have him tell you about the week we spent on his Dad's boat over in Bay Harbor sometime. Had a great time, partied with the waitresses from a night spot in Bell Harbor and ran out of gas (with the girls on board) one evening coming back from Strawberry Island I think it was. No kidding. We were really out of gas. In the middle of the shipping lanes also! The compass shorted out when the running lights were turned on on that trip. Ask Bill who swam to shore and contacted the Coast Guard while the other guys comforted the women. I wasn't very smart in those days either!
Probably were salmon. I have read about those tides causing the rivers to run backward. Mucks up the casting lanes, eh. Would you consider it pocket water??
Your adventure sure sounds grand. We're envious to say the least. Loved the picture of my "Hell's Angel" brother eating all that fresh lobster!
Spoke with Susie today and she said that you guys had already biked a lot of miles. Guess by now you have had a few bugs on your teeth!
Be safe and enjoy the beauty of North America while we sweat down here in Jacksonville.
Jackie & Don
P.S. Had I known you guys were going up to PEI, I would have asked my good friends, the Sorsdahls, to put you guys up at their lake house.
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