I know you didn’t ask for it, but here it is anyway.
I finally installed both the hyper charger and the chips to adjust fuel delivery to the injectors on my scooter; which proves once again that you can find directions to do just about anything on the internet. After the installation, I hit the ignition and it actually started. I won’t be able to fine tune the fuel delivery chips until I can get it on the open road, but things look good in the meantime. A guy can dream can’t he?
I heard the super charger works great! How fun to take a ride i January. Only in Michigan (not really, but it sounds good)
I'm sure your looking forward to Spring already.
Good luck with future rides. I'm a bit jeleous.
OK, I'll bite. How much more horsepower or fuel economy or noise or whatever this thing does give you?
and whats up with calling Andi, anonymous?
Hey Nedster
To answer your questions:
1. Horsepower...."they" claim an additional 10. In reality I don't have a clue.... I thought the thing looked cool (although it did seem to have a little more juice when I had it out the other day... probably my imagination).
2. Economy.... I was getting about 40 mpg. Now probably less. How much less, I don't have a clue.
3. Noise... The hypercharger doesn't make noise. I am going to install new pipes soon, and they will however. How much noise... I don't have a clue.
As you can tell, there's just a whole lot of things that I don't have a clue about. Mostly I'm just trying to have a little fun.
I hope you are having a whole lot of fun. I like reading about your fun. Please keep writing.
After I finished my first ever blog comments which included "and whats up with calling Andi, anonymous?", I discovered how the posting thing works. But then it was too late to go back and remove the stupid question.
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