Day 7 and 8
Sorry folks, no connection last night so no blog.
Sorry folks, no connection last night so no blog.
We took a little tour around Prince Edward Island. It seems the island is broken down into three general sections… east, central and west. We rode a loop through the central section. Lots of churches. Lots of potatoes. Lots of coast. The northern part of the loop was pretty nice, but once we swung to the south, the roads were really rough and we decided to get back early, lest we loosen some important organs and lose some necessary bodily functions. When the road sign show pictures of stair cases, you know the road will get bumpy; eh?.
When we returned to Rustico, we had dinner and headed over to the dock for the party boat for some fishing. Bill (the smart one of the lot) returned to the motel to clean the red clay (of which the island is entirely composed) off his ride, while Charlie and I boarded “Papa’s Gem” for some mackerel and cod fishing. There were 16 “sports” on board. The boat probably caught two 5 gal. buckets of mackerel and just a couple undersized cod…. The sea birds were entertaining, eh?
The weather was overcast and cool, but a good time was had by all, eh?
We left Prince Edward Island shortly after 7:00, God’s time, headed south across the Federation Bridge (8 miles long). As we were about to leave the bridge, Charlie saw 3 moose at the water’s edge. Of course, Charlie was the only one to see the moose, but Bill and I are inclined to humor him when it comes to these matters, eh?
We had breakfast at a little German B&B that was really nice (and good food too), but Charlie kept on hearing the echo of SS jack boots resounding through the house; he is convinced that the entire operation was nothing but a nest of terrorist spies, eh?
After crossing the border we had lunch. in Calais, Maine, and ran into a guy who used to live there and was visiting (planning to move back). It turns out he has 2 sons, one living in Niles, MI, the other attending Andrews University…. Small world, eh?
By the end of the day, we put in 375 miles and we are now in Bangor, Maine, having successfully escaped the agony of enduring another encounter with a Canadian, eh?
Right now we’re talking about the next stop… maybe Laconia, NH, eh?
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