Pete Mathews and I drove up to Traverse City yesterday to say good bye to Rich Bondy, an old friend. I won’t become maudlin, or write his obituary here. Suffice it to say that Rich died at 5:00 p.m., July 22, 2005 in his sister’s home after a hard fought battle with cancer. During our stay, there were smiles and laughter over good times spent together in the streams, marshes and fields of Michigan.
Rich still lives in our memories.
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Thursday, July 21, 2005
I like this guy John Howard (Prime Minister of Australia).
Today, London was again struck by terrorists. Fortunately it appears that only one person was injured, but it’s too early to tell what actually transpired. Coincidentally, Australia’s Prime Minister was meeting with Tony Blair in London, and together they fielded questions at a press conference. While neither man wanted to comment on the specifics of the attack (answers were yet to come from any investigation), the journalists, naturally, wanted only to address the events of the day. Questions were answered in the non-committal, dignified way we all expect under such circumstances…. Until one of the reporters (from an unknown agency), asked Blair if he felt responsible for the attacks London has endured during these last several weeks. The question obviously suggested that England’s participation in the Afghan and Iraqi wars was the reason for the terrorism. Blair dodged the question skillfully. Howard did not.
Mr. Howard pointed out that terrorists have attacked the United States, England and Australia prior to the action taken in Afghanistan and Iraq. Recall that the destruction of the World Trade Center was the second attempt to bring it down. Australia was attacked before its involvement with East Timor, and both Australia and England were targets before they became involved in the coalition led by the United States. He further noted that the Islam leaders who pervert the teachings of the Koran are our enemies, and that until we hunt them down and kill them, we will continue to experience the work of terrorist throughout the world. This is paraphrased and the Prime Minister said it far more eloquently than I have relayed it here, but the notion is sound and our course of action should be clear.
Following Mr. Howard’s comments, at the conclusion of the meeting, Mr. Blair looked at the woman who asked the question and rightly pointed out that it is the terrorists and only the terrorists who are responsible for their homicidal actions.
What a shame that people (maybe Americans in particular) have such short memories and are so short sighted.
I try to keep these posts on a lighter note, but some things should not be left unsaid.
Today, London was again struck by terrorists. Fortunately it appears that only one person was injured, but it’s too early to tell what actually transpired. Coincidentally, Australia’s Prime Minister was meeting with Tony Blair in London, and together they fielded questions at a press conference. While neither man wanted to comment on the specifics of the attack (answers were yet to come from any investigation), the journalists, naturally, wanted only to address the events of the day. Questions were answered in the non-committal, dignified way we all expect under such circumstances…. Until one of the reporters (from an unknown agency), asked Blair if he felt responsible for the attacks London has endured during these last several weeks. The question obviously suggested that England’s participation in the Afghan and Iraqi wars was the reason for the terrorism. Blair dodged the question skillfully. Howard did not.
Mr. Howard pointed out that terrorists have attacked the United States, England and Australia prior to the action taken in Afghanistan and Iraq. Recall that the destruction of the World Trade Center was the second attempt to bring it down. Australia was attacked before its involvement with East Timor, and both Australia and England were targets before they became involved in the coalition led by the United States. He further noted that the Islam leaders who pervert the teachings of the Koran are our enemies, and that until we hunt them down and kill them, we will continue to experience the work of terrorist throughout the world. This is paraphrased and the Prime Minister said it far more eloquently than I have relayed it here, but the notion is sound and our course of action should be clear.
Following Mr. Howard’s comments, at the conclusion of the meeting, Mr. Blair looked at the woman who asked the question and rightly pointed out that it is the terrorists and only the terrorists who are responsible for their homicidal actions.
What a shame that people (maybe Americans in particular) have such short memories and are so short sighted.
I try to keep these posts on a lighter note, but some things should not be left unsaid.
Sunday, July 10, 2005
New Strain Of Fish Discovered In Lake Michigan
Joe called yesterday, and suggested we try a little salmon fishing late in the day. We were on the water by 6:30 and fishing by 7:00. There has evidently been a new strain of salmo introduced into Lake Michigan, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha suicidus. That’s right; by 7:30 we actually hooked and landed a suicidal 16 pound Chinook Salmon. The beast make quite a showing for herself, but the superior intellect, imposing strength and total weight of the two fishermen prevailed. Before the evening was done, we released a “shaker”, and added another salmon to the stringer.
Speaking of stringers; Joe uses the “stringer” method of keeping his catch fresh (as opposed to the “cooler” method). He assured me that this technique has always served him well and that it takes up far less space on the boat. Far be it for me to argue with such logic.
As the sun set in a shmear (this is the Midwest Catskills after all) of golden afterglow, Joe pulled the lines for the ride home, and instructed me to put the boat in neutral while he hoisted the catch aboard. Yes, you guessed it, the stringer broke and our prizes drifted toward the horizon. Quick thinking and no small amount of luck enabled us to re-net the largest of the two. I’d like to think the other creature was provided a solemn (but unceremonial) burial at sea….. the gods of Lake Michigan having been provided, yet again, with a sacrificial offering.*
*Unfortunately cameras were left at home, requiring the reader to accept this account on blind faith.
Speaking of stringers; Joe uses the “stringer” method of keeping his catch fresh (as opposed to the “cooler” method). He assured me that this technique has always served him well and that it takes up far less space on the boat. Far be it for me to argue with such logic.
As the sun set in a shmear (this is the Midwest Catskills after all) of golden afterglow, Joe pulled the lines for the ride home, and instructed me to put the boat in neutral while he hoisted the catch aboard. Yes, you guessed it, the stringer broke and our prizes drifted toward the horizon. Quick thinking and no small amount of luck enabled us to re-net the largest of the two. I’d like to think the other creature was provided a solemn (but unceremonial) burial at sea….. the gods of Lake Michigan having been provided, yet again, with a sacrificial offering.*
*Unfortunately cameras were left at home, requiring the reader to accept this account on blind faith.
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Deck Survives Load Test!

The load test for the new deck was run on July 2, 2005. In that the deck is still standing, I declare it fit for loads.
This year’s load was made up of a group of miscreants, Democrats and ne’er do wells; interspersed with a smattering of do gooders, intellectuals, Republicans and a few plainly good people (I’ll let the reader sort out who was what). In attendance were: Larry and Chris, Marcia (Chris’s sister), Don, Toni and Ned, their daughter Laura and her husband Steve and their kids, N & T’s daughter Sarah and her boyfriend, Joe and Pam, Nancy (newly retired from Kentucky), Michael Parker, Sissy (Mike’s dog), Morgan Foster and a pair of newlyweds he picked up from no telling where, Chris’s daughter Jody, her husband Jeff and their kids, Landi the dog, and my partners in crime, my daughter Kim and unofficial daughter Toni. The latter two, ran themselves ragged saving my bacon throughout the test.
To prove the above mentioned test actually took place (in the event the city building inspector should require proof), I submit for your perusal the above picture snapped during one of the most strenuous periods of the trial.
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