Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Curse of the Libra

The curse of being a Libra is that we weigh both sides of a question to the exclusion of settling on a conclusion. I mention this because it was my intention to include more political commentary in these postings than I have. Every time a political issue piques my interest I form an immediate opinion based more on common sense than fact. Then to the detriment of that opinion, I start to seek evidence to support it. There is usually a plethora of information available on any topic one might choose to research. Unfortunately this vast array of material is as varied as are the people taking the time to write it. Anyone can find “proof” to support his personal beliefs. Alas the poor Libra wallows in a quagmire of ideas seeing a fragment of truth and prejudice in everything.

Having said that, I’m going to paint three individual topics with one broad brush; Delay’s alleged misuse of funds, Bolton’s appointment to the U.N. and the congressional approval of Supreme Court judges.

The Democrats are being obstructionists basing their rhetoric on party politics. If it weren’t for the short memory of the American public their behavior would bite them in the butt during the ’06 and ’08 elections.

Can I present “proof” that I am right?…. Yes. Can I present “proof” that I am wrong?…. Yes. Will I?... No. I am a Libra and that’s my prerogative.

Friday, April 22, 2005

All Hands On Deck

Even though there is the possibility of snow this weekend, spring has arrived. “How do you know?” you may ask. I know because I have begun building an addition to the deck on the back of the house. Something like this happens every spring (almost). I feel the need to get my winter-fat butt off the sofa and launch into an outdoor project. That in itself is a good thing. The bad things are: a) every time I get off the sofa it costs me more money than I can afford and b) my delicate and finely tuned body is not prepared for the harsh realities of physical labor.

Forget about the dollar cost of the project, the price I am paying in pain and suffering goes beyond the pale. Most of the muscles from my ears down hurt; and the ones above my ears don’t feel so good either.

Larry came over after work last evening to help me set the ledger board in place (I had already dug the holes to receive the 4x4 uprights). If it weren’t for his experience, it never would have been done. In any event, we worked until about 9:00 p.m. when the sun took pity on us and set. Today I intended to put in the third 4x4 and concrete all the uprights into place. Mercifully it’s rained all day so I could heal for another few hours.

I’d guess I’ll be at this for another 2 weeks….. if I survive all the fun.

You may not hear from me for a while; the hand that holds the hammer, refuses to hold the mouse.

A Few Sheets Short

I used to think that people who spend tons of money on their pets were a few sheets short of a ream. I still believe that, but now I have joined their ranks. Dog and I went to the vet's today because her allergy medication had arrived from some specialty lab in Texas. The package indicated that she is allergic to: cats, cedar, cocklebur, dandelion, marsh elder, orchard grass, ragweed, sagebrush, sycamore and black walnut, to name a few. The allergies to pig, yeast, peanuts and mold were not included because they would require additional shots.

I was at the office to learn how to administer the shots that she will be taking for the the rest of either her life or mine. First, agitate the "serum" (stirred, not shaken; unlike 007 I never took that much care with a martini thank you very much). Next pierce the cap to the green container with the hypodermic needle and draw .1 cc of the fluid into the barrel. There is also a blue vial and a red one for later. Tap the barrel to release any bubbles that may have snuck in there. Next pierce the skin on the nape of the neck (the dog's that is) and draw back the plunger. Start the piercing again if you draw blood....remember this is sub-cutaneous, not intravenous. Finally inject the material into the patient, er...dog. Ok....my turn with a saline salution. First take the plastic protector off the needle .... oops, took the needle off the needle. I put it back on and the rest of the procedure went as is was supposed to.

Dog and I returned home to put the serum in the refrigerator and to make sure she didn't go into anaphylactic shock (always a possibility you know).

Later I went to the drug store to purchase a supply of syringes. The girl behind the counter kept looking for a spoon on a chain around my neck in which she expected I would cook the H when I returned to the car.

Just another day in paradise.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Hear My Prayer

Dear Lord, forgive my trespasses, get John Paul II buried as soon as possible and have a new Pope chosen post haste so all of us sinners out there can watch the news on TV again. Everyone agrees the pontiff was a great guy, but enough is enough.


Monday, April 04, 2005

What's Wrong With This Picture

Two weeks ago I took Dog to the vet to determine why she was scratching so much. Office tests were run: scabies...nooo, fleas...noooo. Ah, the possibilities of allergies. Over the years, I have owned a few dogs, and all of them scratched; mostly from fleas when they were in season. I had never had a dog with allergies, but, I never had a dog like Landi either. Blood was drawn, to be shipped off to a lab in Texas where it could be tested for things to which the dog might be allergic. The results came in over the weekend, and the vet called today to inform me of the results and to suggest a plan of attack.

Yes, she (the dog, not the vet) is allergic to a myriad of substances. While I haven't seen the list yet, I remember a few that were mentioned over the phone. The list included, but was not limited to: certain molds, yeast, cats, a variety of different weeds including ragweed, pork, peanuts, walnuts, and a bunch of other stuff which escapes me for the moment. In an old house such as this, I assume there are mold spores floating around someplace, not to mention the mold found in most leaf litter outside. I haven't checked, but I bet most dog foods contain some kind of yeast. Weeds....'nuf said. Her favorite treats are Pig Ears (pork). I found peanuts as an ingredient in her favorite "doggie" cookies. There are two trees on the property...Walnuts. You get the idea, the poor creature will be deprived of the few pleasures she has ... Lord only knows, it's no pleasure to live with me.

I have given the vet the go-ahead to contact the lab in Texas to mix up a cocktail to help her develop an "immunity" to the various offensive substances. When it arrives in a couple of weeks, I will be giving her shots (probably once a week to begin with, then once a month for the rest of her days (or mine)).

I'm not sure why I'm sharing this, but not too many years ago I don't remember dogs having allergies or people willing to refinance the farm in order for them to treat them. This observation, may reflect on our environment and on the neurotic behavior of pet owners today. Whether it's one or both of these things, it occurs to me that there's something wrong with this picture.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

If Thine Eye Offends Thee Pluck It Out

This morning while most of this little town slept, Daylight Savings Time arrived. To celebrate the occasion my furnace decided it had enough of winter and quit. I was able to stay in bed until about 4:00 o'clock (DST) before the dog's shivering forced me to get up and don my winter togs. After checking to make make sure the frigid temperature wasn't in the dog's imagination, I sat bundled and glassy-eyed before the TV catching up on infomercials. There I stayed until what I deemed a reasonable hour to call Ron's Heating and invite him over to scalp me for being summoned on a Sunday.

To his credit, Ron arrived in short order and declared the glow plug to be the culprit. True to biblical teachings (Mathew 5:29 .... remember, it's Sunday), he plucked out the offending component. Unlike these teachings he replaced it with a new one. Actually the old one was still kind of new, but it evidentally felt it had glowed enough this winter.

While there is no moral to this story, there is a bottom line: 1 glow plug... $43.89, tax... 2.64, labor (15 minutes)...$28.oo, dragging his ass out on a Sunday... $50.00. Total $124.53.